Life Is Strange Max

Life Is Strange Max 3,5/5 6199 votes

Before we begin, please acknowledge that I am not the original creator of the Watson Scott Test. I simply recreated the game here on Quotev. Watson-scott test questions list.

A/N: Hey, so this idea came to me while I was eating a cookie.. Yes, I'm always thinking about LiS. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story!

Life Is Strange is a five part episodic game that sets out to revolutionise story based choice and consequence games by allowing the player to rewind time and affect the past, present and future. As Max you must uncover the disturbing truth behind your premonitions and learn that changing the past can sometimes to lead to a devastating future. This is a very interesting theory I found under a youtube video! I don't want to take any of the credit - Jack Tournesol on Youtube commented this, and I just want you guys' opinions. Rachel is Max. Well, sort of. Multiple personality disorder combined with warped space-time: 1. Please notice the similarities between two selfie pictures, Chloe-Max and Chloe-Rachel: Max's positions are both.

~Flashback 2008~

Thirteen year old Max Caulfield watched as her best friend's father walked out the door, forever. She wouldn't ever see him again. In a way she killed William, it was her fault.

Chloe Price walked out of the small kitchen area and looked worriedly at her best friend. Max's eyes looked lost. She felt lost, alone, ashamed, and most of all she felt an overwhelming sadness. Chloe touched her shoulder, as a comfort to her younger friend. Max forced a smile which turned into an expression of horror as she watched Chloe disappear in front of her eyes, just falling into nothing.

The next thing she knew the winds howled and rain pelted Max's pale skin. The short brunette could barely see her own hand as she held it in front of her face. She squinted her azure orbs, trying and make out landmarks that would give her an idea of where she was.


The lighthouse seemed to stand taller in that moment, it seemed like it was so strong, safe. It almost felt like it was pulling at Max. She saw Chloe's pleading face flash behind her eyes for a moment, begging her to not let her go, to come find her..

~Present Day 2013~

Max's blue eyes shot open and she found herself in a shitty motel room in her hometown, Arcadia Bay. She rolled over, groaning loudly as she saw the clock read 6:30am. The sleepy brunette buried her face into the pillow, she had this nightmare every night for nearly a month, which was weird because she hadn't had it in years. It always feels so real. Like I'm there, again, then that tornado shows up.. Ugghhh. I guess superpowers can't save me from myself.

Sheshivered, pulling the scratchy blankets closer as she listened to the rain pitter patter on the foggy window. Because that helps my subconscious. Max sarcastically thought, with a snort, while moving to lay on her back. The storm and Chloe still at the forefront of her mind, Max focused on the calming elements of the rain, trying not to jump to the conclusion of freak storm.

Max eventually dragged herself out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. She took in her ragged appearance in the mirror. My hair. She sniggered, taking in the brunette locks with the tips still dyed a black color. Dog, it hasn't been this short in years, or this light. I guess I kinda got used to the black..

Shaking her head Max splashed water onto her face and brushed her teeth, removing the smell of her morning breath.

Time to put on my daily armor. Max thought as she pulled on a black hoodie, with blue jeans and, army green combat boots. 'I could stop by the Two Whales for breakfast,' and a crazy fucking nostalgia trip. Max grabbed the keys for her old jeep off the bedside table. Okay, so maybe not her jeep, but thats not relevant at the moment. Slinging her beat up camera bag over her shoulder and closing the motel room door behind her, Max wandered outside to her car.

After driving around the town at least twice Max finally got up the nerve to go inside the little diner. Damn, I haven't been to this place in years. Wonder if Joyce still works here.. Would that be a good or a bad thing. Max took a deep breath and pushed open the squeaky door, upon entry Max noticed the diner was relatively empty. The only customers being a cop and some shady looking guy over in the corner booth. I guess everyone else is at home, hiding from the rain. God, it smells so good. Breakfast, now.

Max found her way to a booth at the far side of diner, near the jukebox. She slid her fingers over a mathematical equation carved into the tabletop. Cool. Ugh, I'm such a nerd, sometimes. The brunette took off her bag and dropped it onto the seat next to her. Pretending to read the menu, Max attempted to keep herself from stressing over the inevitable guilting conversation that would soon be coming.

'Mom, please, I promise I won't ever take advantage of free food again,' Max glanced up as she heard a girl begging behind the counter. 'You can't make me work!'

'Chloe you and I both know..' Max didn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation as she looked to Chloe. Oh my dog, thats her, that's Chloe. Is that my Chloe? Wow, she's changed, I guess I have too. Time powers will do that to a girl. Max chuckled as she imagined her childhood best friend's reaction to her powers. She'd probably want to take over the world or test if I could fly.

Max was jerked out of her thoughts by a woman's voice with a southern accent. Joyce. Fuck.

'Good morning, hon, what can I get for ya?' Joyce asked brightly, her voice making Max think of all the times she had come here with Chloe. 'Hey, darling, are you al-' Joyce took in a large breath, as she recognized the young woman in front of her, 'Well, if it isn't Max Caulfield.'

'Hi, Joyce.' The nervous brunette mumbled as she cleared her throat.

'Joyce, what did you just say?' A blue haired girl asked with a slightly aggressive tone. Chloe. Wow, she looks.. different. Yup, Max, different. That's all. Just- 'Max?' Chloe questioned, although, she ready knew exactly what her mother had just said. The blue haired punk took a step towards the anxious smaller girl, her features twisted into an angry expression.

'Chloe, hey.' Max cringed at her own awkwardness and, staring down at her lap, began fidgeting with her fingers. She came back for Chloe but maybe this was too fast, maybe she should've waited until she felt ready. She had arrived in Arcadia not even 48 hours ago and she was already sitting in a booth, at the diner, feeling like a kid again. That is, until she managed to force herself to look at Chloe. Oh, Chloe.. You look so angry and sad. The punk's features looked as if they had been permanently set into a frown. What happened to my beautiful carefree best friend? Max wondered, before she had to take a moment to make sure she hadn't said that out loud. She's still beautiful, albeit in a different way, still completely mesmerizing, though. Those bright azure blue eyes, sparkling- Max, what are you doing?! Stop it. Stop. She is your best friend you haven't seen her in ages, it's understandable to react like this.. Right? Ugh, whatever just shut up, brain, do I have an off switch?! That'd be nice.. Wait, how long have I been staring. Oh shit!

Maxcould feel her face heating up and she quickly averted her eyes. Chloe smirked, sauntering towards Max's booth, it seemed she had calmed down a notch at Max's obvious discomfort.

'After all these years, you're still Max Caulfield.' Chloe still had that smirk plastered across her face, 'Awkward as fuck, Max Caulfield.' The bluenette added, she was enjoying this way to much, not that Max felt she didn't deserve it, she probably would've let Chloe slap her across the face at this point.

Max was no longer looking at the blue haired girl in front of her but instead seemingly very interested in her own beat up boots.

'Belgian waffle, if I remember right.' Joyce asked, with a knowing, yet apologetic smile on her lips as she gently placed a hand on Max's tense shoulder.

'Yeah, thanks, Joyce.' Max replied relaxing the tiniest bit at Joyce's warm, welcoming expression. Sadly, that didn't last long, as Joyce walked behind the counter and Chloe slipped into the unoccupied seat across from Max. Chloe stared at the little photographer sitting across from her, her eyes fixated on the top of Max's head, as that's all she could presently see of the brunette.

'Heeey, Maaax?' Chloe prodded, as she ducked her head trying to get a decent view of Max's obscured face. 'You gonna let me see you, or are you just planning on hiding underneath the table all day.'

Max slightly lifted her head and glanced over at Chloe, who leaned back against her seat. 'Oh, good she's alive, I was afraid you'd gone all zombie on me.' The punk joked, as she locked her eyes with Max's before quickly moving her gaze towards the window. Max lifted her head all the way and gave Chloe a quizzical look, feeling just as surprised as Chloe was that she was still alive. Thought she would've kicked me all the way back to Seattle at this point, if she didn't kill me. Max thought, inwardly cringing at the thought of going back to the place she had never really considered her home.

'Yeah, hey, Chloe. H-How have you been?' Max stumbled over her words and suppressed a groan over making herself look even more like a loser than she already felt.

Chloe's jaw tensed and Max winced at the look that crossed her best friends's face. Can I still call her my best friend, do I have that right?

'Well, Max, I've been absolutely amazing. First, my dad dies, then, my best friend moves away. Oh, and now my new best friend is in California, probably sleeping with her photography teacher, so she can further her modeling career, and then she can leave me too. I've definitely had the best five years of my life.' Chloe huffed out all in one breath, sarcasm practically dripping from her words, but something more than anger hidden behind her eyes.

Max didn't say anything, instead she simply averted her gaze, again.

'Max!' Chloe practically shouted, 'Can't you at least look at me!' The bluenette slammed her palms onto the scratched tabletop, causing it to shake and Max's head snapped up at the sharp noise.

That's it. I know she's upset, but she didn't call me either. Besides, it's not like I even could.. Max groaned to herself, wishing for at least the third time, that day, she could just shut off her brain and get some peace. Sure, Chloe has a right be as angry as she wants, but she doesn't even know what Max herself has been through. However, it's not quite the right time for sob stories, so Max decides to keep her mouth shut about certain matters for the time being.

Chloe curiously looked at Max, making her realize she had gone quiet again. Dammit, I need to work on that, my inner monologue can seriously ramble.

'Look, Chloe,' Max started her voice sounding exhausted and her face showing defeat. She didn't want to fight, especially not with Chloe.

'Save it, Max, why are really even here!' Chloe yelled, obviously not taking the brunette's quieter tone as a sign to calm down.

'God, Chloe!' Max raised her voice, letting her prior intentions of not fighting slip out the window. 'You're not the only person in the world with problems! I haven't even seen my parents in years!' Max wanted to smack herself as she realized what she had just revealed but was to angry to stop, or rewind to change it. 'I came back here so I could get a start on my photography career and reconnect with my best friend but all she wants to do is pick a fight with me.' Max was loudly shouting now and she practically threw the money on the table as she saw Joyce come out with their food. Storming towards the doors, Max could almost feel Chloe's regretful, pleading gaze as she rushed out towards her car.

The brunette jumped into her car and drove off furiously, attempting breathing exercises to try and calm herself down. Goddamn it, Chloe! Why do you have to be so. You, sometimes!? Max actually laughed at how ridiculous this whole thing was at that point. What was I thinking, coming back here? Max pulled out a bottle of clear liquid as she stopped her jeep, unsure of where exactly she was going.

Her body was on autopilot as she hiked through the woods at the edge of Arcadia Bay and found herself at their old fort. Chloe and I used to come out here all time as kids. I miss it, I miss her. Max ascended the ladder and sat herself down with her legs dangling over the edge of one side of their fort. As there were only three walls, Max found herself staring out into the sunset with a over half empty bottle of alcohol at her side.

'No way, Maxie, you'll never catch me!'

'But I'm Super Max, I have to be faster than you, Chlo. I'm a superhero!'

'More like a super nerd!' Chloe giggled running away from Max, 'Besides I'm Captain Price, Chloe Price.'

Both girls burst into a fit of laughter as Max caught up to Chloe. They were standing mere feet apart, until Chloe's face broke into her signature smirk. 'Pirate captains beat superheroes any day.' The blonde girl smiled, seeming very proud of herself as she smugly took slow steps backwards, away from Max.

Max pouted, 'No fair, I wanna be a pirate too.'

The look on Max's face made Chloe's lips curl into a full on grin as she declared Max her First Mate, and stepped towards her friend, closing the distance between them. They linked arms and rushed over to their tree fort, officially renamed the pirate fort, from that moment on. Chloe even marked it, in red, on the map of Arcadia Bay with a skull and cross bones.

Max was pulled out of the memory as her thoughts drifted back to their conversation at the diner that morning. Did I fuck up? Yeah, but so did she.. But I still shouldn't have just walked out like that. Max took another swig of the alcohol and it burned her throat, but she welcomed the feeling. It made her feel real, she needed that. Before Max could completely lose herself in her wallowing, there was a creaking noise of someone coming up the ladder, interrupting her pity party.

'Looks like we both had the same idea.' Chloe whispered, wandering over to where Max was sitting and plopped down beside her. 'Sorry about before..' Chloe trailed off, she'd never been good with apologies. Max smiled at that, Chloe was always so stubborn.

'Don't. I mean, it's my fault too, I shouldn't have just walked out like that.'

'No kidding.' Chloe mumbled, only for Max to shoot her a look which Chloe returned with one of apology.

Sighing, Max offered the clear bottle of alcohol to Chloe, who raised an eyebrow before reaching out to grab the neck of the bottle. For a moment their fingers touched and Max couldn't help think how warm and soft Chloe's hands felt. 'We should really sort things out.' Max pointed out, reluctantly breaking the silence of their moment.

The punk took a long swig of the drink in her hands before replying, 'I know,' she paused, 'but for right now can we just sit here and watch this day end.'

'Sure, Chloe.' Anything for you. Max wanted so desperately to add as they sat watching the sun disappear below the water. Even knowing they still had to sort out their issues, they still had a connection which neither girl could really ignore. Yeah, we can definitely sort this out later, but I have to be careful, I have to protect her. There is no way I'm letting my fucked up past get her hurt. Max thought, losing herself in the sunset, as she tipped her head back and took another swig from the bottle, trying desperately to numb her rushing thoughts.


Let me know what you thought! :)

Criticism is welcome I want to become a better writer!

AN: Hey, y'all. The idea for this short little One-Shot had actually just popped into my head. I hope that y'all will like it.

Just a warning, it's sad as hell. Extremely sad as hell. This actually took a lot out of me to write. It will have major character death.

Now on with the story.xxxxxxSummary: After Max had used the photo to go back in time to when Nathan had first shot Chloe, Max decides that she will die in Chloe's place.xxxxxxMax knew that she had made the right choice in going back in time to when Nathan had actually first shot Chloe in the girls bathroom at Blackwell, but Max also knew that she just couldn't let Chloe, her best friend and the love of her life die. Chloe the girl who she also happens to be in love with. This will be the last time that she will ever see her true soulmate before she dies, because yes, Max had just made the choice that she will die in Chloe's place at Nathan's hand.

Max wipes the tears off her eyes as she gets up and off the bathroom floor. She steps away from the bathroom stall and she walks towards both Chloe and Nathan.

Nathan has Chloe pushed against the bathroom wall while pointing his gun at Chloe's stomach.Max gets their attention by clearing her throat. Both Nathan and Chloe turn their heads towards the sound. Chloe gasps when she sees Max, her best friend who she hasn't seen in five years, who is now right in front of her and Nathan looks absolutely pissed that Max had just seen him about to kill Chloe. Nathan lets loose an angry growl and then he roughly shoves Chloe away from him who falls to the floor after she had hit the wall first and then she sinks to the floor.He stalks angrily towards Max while pointing his gun straight at her chest. Just a few seconds later, he's standing right in front of Max.' What the fuck are you doing here, Caulfield?'

., he angrily yells at her and for once in her entire life Max is fearless because she knows that deep down in her heart that she's doing the right thing by trading places with Chloe.' Calm down Nathan, there's no reason to kill anybody'., she calmly tells him and Nathan glares at Max and he starts to yell madly at her.' Don't you fucking dare try to tell what to do, Caulfield', He yells right into her face and that's when she closing both of her eyes, finally accepting her death.

Her true fate. And that's when Nathan squeezes the gun's trigger, and the bullet exits the gun and enters Max's chest mortally wounding her and Max can faintly hear Chloe yelling for her to stay awake as she rushes towards Max, catching her in her loving arms before she could fall on the floor. Right after Nathan had shot Max, he had dropped his gun onto the bathroom's tiled floor, then he ran out of the bathroom and out of the school.Max who was now laying on the floor with her head in Chloe's lap, who was crying her eyes out while she was gently stroking Max's brown hair.' Max, please don't die.

I never told you this but I have always been in love with you, I was just way too fucking chickenshit to tell you how I really feel. I love you, Max. So goddamn fucking much'., Chloe tells Max through tear-strained voice. Max then smiles softly up at Chloe and then she reaches up and she gently cups Chloe's right cheek with her right hand and then she brings Chloe's face closer to hers and then she connects their lips in a passionate but short kiss. They break apart just a few seconds later and they both smile sadly and softly at each other.

Max knows that this is the very last time that she will ever see Chloe and that it's the very last time that she will ever be able to tell Chloe how she really feels about her.' Chloe, I love you too.

I know that I'm dying, but please don't be sad. I'll always love you and I will always be there for you'., Max says as she closes her eyes and she dies in the arms of the woman that she truly loved with every fiber of her entire being.' Please don't be dead. Please wake up'., Chloe cries out while cradling Max's lifeless body in her arms and that's just how David and Principle Wells finds them just a few minutes later.It's only just a few hours later when Nathan turns both himself and Mark Jefferson into the police for both Max's and Rachel's murders. And only three days later is both Max and Rachel's funerals. All of their family and friends show up and it's very emotional and heartbreaking. Both Max and Rachel can finally rest in peace now that their killers are rotting away in prison where they should be.

A few days after their funerals, Chloe sees a blue butterfly and a doe in her backyard knowing that they are Max and Rachel's spirits in the flesh.And then they fade away into the ether letting Chloe know that they have both moved from this life and unto the next. Chloe wipes her tears away and then she finally smiles for the first time in what feels like forever and now she's able to move with her life knowing that the two women that she's in love with have moved on to the afterlife. And Chloe knows that she doesn't have to worry anymore about either Nathan or Jefferson hurting anybody else because they are in prison.Both men, who were both actually more like monsters than actual men, were no longer able to hurt anybody else ever again and Chloe is quite happy about that. And she knows now that she can fully move on with her life because both Max and Rachel had told her that it was perfectly okay for her to move on with her life and for her to be happy because that is what they want her to do. And that is exactly what Chloe does. And ends up living her life to the fullest until the very last day of her life at eighty-five years old, many decades later.

And she is finally reunited with both Max and Rachel and all three women spend the rest of eternity together, making up for lost time and they now have their happily ever after in the afterlife.xxxxxxAN 2: Well there it is, one of the saddest and angst-ridden FanFic's that I have ever written. I do hope that y'all will still enjoy it. I thank y'all for reading favoriting and following. I promise that I will continue to write my other FanFic's, it's just that the idea for this One-Shot just wouldn't leave my head. As always please read and review.xxxxxxAN: 3: Edit: I have decided to edit this FanFic and re-upload it as well and I have just done that. I hope that y'all don't mind that I have edited it and re-uploaded it. I had just noticed several spelling and grammar errors, that's why I have edited it and re-uploaded it.

If y'all notice any spelling errors or grammar errors that I didn't notice, please let me know in either a review or a PM so that I can go back and fix them. I thank y'all for reading.

As always please read and review.