One Way Heroics Guide

One Way Heroics Guide 3,9/5 5532 votes

Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics is a role-playing video game developed by Spike Chunsoft for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, released in Japan on July 30, 2015. It is a spin-off of the Mystery Dungeon series, and is based on the indie game One Way Heroics.

The Plus version has been available through playism for a while now, and I've been playing for a week now. But there's hardly any information on the some of the mechanics changes and new features/npcs out there. Possibly because the steam release isn't out yet. Which I found rather frustrating.

So I'm going to share my findings and some thoughts on them, and possibly spare others the aggravation.As the title implies, I'm primarily interested in making excellent equipment. And how you go about that has changed quite a bit. But first.Migrating to Plus.Firstly, when you move your existing OWH data to Plus, a few things change.All equipment is stripped of enhancements. That means that Glorious Mythicalx5, Sturdyx4, qualityx1 weapon you had, is now a blank wep. I had several of those.-;.All your equipment enhancing scrolls are removed from the vault.(Repair scrolls are safe, it's just the ones that put an enhancement on an item that go.) I'll get into why they did this is a bit. So here you are with blank weapons and no scrolls.There's now a window in the menu that displays various final stats. Including your final durability attrition for each equipment slot.IMG/imgGlorious.

There's also color coding for changes from previous equipment to new. Green for improvements, red for decreases, yellow for no change.

Very nice.This made observing changes to durability attrition a breeze compared to before. Which is good, cause they changed how that works.Changes to durability.Durability attrition is now multiplicative rather than additive. Since that stat is a desired as a reduction, this is bad. Brick break free. It's now far far far harder to reach the same toughness in a weapon.Before, you could reach max durability attrition-(90% reduction, or 0.1 durability per hit) with 5 enhancement slots.

Sturdy- x4 and one quality. Now even if you use sturdy x10 you only hit 12. 12 being how the menu displays 0.12 durability per hit. With 100 being 1.0 D per hit.The durability attrition cap has changed. You can now go past the previous 90% cap. Although it's much more difficult to get there.


I do not as of yet know the new cap, but so far I've hit 0.6 d per hit. If i can hit 0.5 then my weapon would be twice as tough as in OWH. Putting it a 1,000 hits per 50 durability.On the bright side, a few things have been added that can help a bit with durability issues.The equipment master perk.

'Equipment Attrition rate lowers to 90%' This also works manipulatively like the rest. The cool thin is that it applies to all your equipment, including shields. Since shield cannot be enhanced, this is the only way to make them tougher.You can fully repair equipment using hero points in the post game menu.

But the costs are prohibitively high on good equipment. I've seen up to 5,000 HP costs. Non enhanced gear like shields are relatively cheap to fix though.Blacksmith NPC. This npc will fully repair one item for you. I've seen costs anywhere from 50,000 to 250,000. The high costs, and random factor of finding one of these, limits the usefulness of it.Changes to equipment enhancement scrolls.Scrolls of swordplay, the sword saint, armoring, and the phalanx now display what effect they will grant in the item name.

This is a bit hard on my vault space though. And it's nice to know what you're getting. But.Several effect are no longer attainable via scrolls. These are;MythicalGodslayingLegendaryAbsorbingWhich really, really sucks. The only known way to get these effects on a piece of equipment atm is to find one that already has it. Welcome to a whole new level of random number generator torture.

Cause these are the effects you want. A lot of useful information here, thanks for compiling. I mostly only skimmed it atm, but I do have one question, is adamante quality not in OWH+? When you discuss durability in OWH you mention the second best durability rather than the best one that does 50% as quality and 25% as standard. Adamante as quality with 9x more seems like it would make a weapon absolutely endless in OWH+. This was not realistic in OWH due to adamante being as hard to obtain just as the best buff of slayer, but doing it for the fun of having a weapon last forever could be a bit more worth it now.

Well, 95% evasion meant 10x armor durability, and 2x power = 2x durability, so how do you think, maybe some parameters are more promising and or easier to get?Also, I've only once seen a un-jerry beastman, and he fixed my armor+3 for 560g, so it might depend on some factors (like distance, item's cost, difficulty level)Also you night mention joke items, added to make it harder to discern weapons' usefulness by wheight.Right now I have a Fluffy Baton, with exactly 1 attack possible, and it also lists 'snipe shot' instead of 'attack' on the new stats submenu that you mention (left). How do they shoot out of a baton?Also, the Spoiler Location name isn't much of a spoiler - I don't know how to access it, but the name is mentioned among the 'castle renovations' from the very beginning. I'm not even sure what that first paragraph is supposed to mean. And here I was searching for Mythical/Legendary scrolls.Thanks a lot for the guide!! And yes this should be a guide, not in the discussion section.So far in my 8.5km inhuman odissey in maniac mode with my perv-chan (permanude hero #C). The best I found was x2 myth longinius spear I believe after 20 reloads. Never found a max rank gear.

Where is the best place to look for it? From my experience distance doesn't even affect quality of items you find.Can anyone share dimension seeds with equipment adjuster within first 2km? Blacksmith are appreciated, too.Final question - anyone seen end-of-mission-reward items Dark Fang with high/max rank?

So I’ve started playing this game called One Way Heroics 1) The game is so small that it didn’t have a wiki entry so I’m linking the steam page instead. I picked it up during the last steam sale for something like fifty cents. Honestly it’s not my typical kind of game; I don’t really go for the “rogue-like” games but for how cheap it was I figured what the hell, why not.My first impression was this game was about as good as it was costly, which is to say not good. The default keys were clunky and not intuitive, the world generation, player difficulty and multi-player modes were not explained well or just outright not explained. The character creation and stats however were not difficult as they are pretty well established in the RPG genre.First ImpressionsMy first play through was over rather quickly. You start out talking to a king who says something along the lines of “blah blah bah, end of the world blah blah” and then you’re off.

Each time you move or take an action such as talk, use or equip an item or attack, the Darkness eats part of the world. You have to keep moving to the right or you will be eaten by the dark abyss. I’ll freely admit I was a noob and my first play through I thought it wasn’t a turn based type deal and that the darkness was moving independently of my actions so I panicked and died.For about two hours I played the game and I started to get a feel for it.

The longer you stay alive the more points you get at the end to unlock perks, new classes and to increase your bank size which allows you to take items from your play through into you next game. After those two hours I put the game down and didn’t really expect to go back to it but my boredom got the better of me.The Obsession BeginsI picked it up again and this time looked into making the game better for me.

I double checked key mapping and ended up using my Xbox controller rather than my keyboard. That made it tons betterTONS! Once I had the controls down focusing on the actual game play was much easier. I finally started to get decent equipment and started getting the endgame points to open up options.

An hour later I had finally beat the Demon Lord and became obsessed with the game. I ended up not going to bed till 3am.What changed was my outlook on the game, rather than a straight RPG game, I viewed it like a puzzle RPG. Conservation of movement and managing your inventory was very important. The drive to do better after each play through, to get more points to unlock more stuff finally took hold.Ever Present FlawsDespite my new found obsession there are things I don’t like about the game. One is the item degradation, it’s a huge hassle.

I understand why it’s there but I can go through two or three swords in one play through, that’s just crazy especially when you got some nice gear. I have found items to repair shields and there is a scroll that fixes stuff but increases the degradation by 50%, it sucks. This game mechanic is the only one that still just pisses me off.

It shouldn’t be there!Another issue, well not so much an issue as it is an oddity, is the multiplayer. There isn’t any. They say there is but there isn’t. You can play a world where other people have played and you can sometime see their ghost and you can see how they died, but that’s it.

It’s not actual multi-player unlike what they indicate in the game menus. Really that’s a small complaint. I’m not really sure this game could do a real multi-player mode with any kind of success. It’s just not the right format.

I believe there is supposed to be some sort of leader board but I can’t find a way to access it either through steam or within the game.The RatingIn the end this is a fun game well worth the few cents I paid for it but it isn’t for everyone, that’s for sure. When it comes to rating the game a big part of that rating is the cost. With how little I paid for it I’d give it an 8.5.

It’s fun, has replay value, hell the whole point of the game is replay and it runs well. If you pay regular price I’d say it’s about 7.5, a solid game, with all of the good stuff I mentioned before, but it is much more of a niche game and I probably wouldn’t have wanted to pay the $3.49 on the off chance I’d like it.P.S. I’ll have a video of a play through up in a few days.